Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Dry Brushing!

Buy Carole Maggio's body louffas to enhance your No, Lipo, Lipo routine. I first started using them routinely about a year ago, and can't believe what a difference they've made in my skin! Just 30 strokes (scrubs) per area and your skin is much improved. I noticed a difference in my skin almost immediately! Dry brushing your skin increases circulation, aids in detoxification and YES ladies - lifts and firms the skin as well! It's simply amazing how something so natural can actually reverse the aging process ~ Amen to that!


  1. This is an amazing program that gets beautiful results the dry brushing alone makes a difference in how your skin looks and feels!

  2. I bought the sisal louufa mitt and strap and love them! My skin is glowing like crazy and I think it's really helping with my body sculpting efforts...
